What is Blue Ribbon Service and Support?
Blue Ribbon Service and Support means we must finish first in:
- Quality control
- Proactive communication
- Immediate action on “other than applied for”
- Delivering policies to you, the agent
Quality control means:
- You are properly contracted
- Application is accurate and complete
- Application submitted within 24 hours of receipt
- Medical requirements and records ordered ASAP
Proactive communication means:
- You receive an application acknowledgement letter ASAP
- We conduct timely and professional follow up with:
- You
- The home office
- Paramedic examiner and doctor’s office as needed
Immediate action on “other than applied for” means:
- When preferred rates have been applied for and we learn the insured will not get the preferred rate, we work with our sales team to find deliverable alternatives. We always try to imagine the conversation you will have with your client when you present the alternatives.
Delivering policy means:
- Proactive follow up for delivery requirements such as completing the documents needed to place policy in force… and trigger commission!
Blue Ribbon Service and Support means life insurance at its very best, every time, all the time… in no time flat!
To experience Blue Ribbon Service and Support, let us quote a case today:
Call 800.873.5754, or click here.