Everyone here in the deep South knows a lot of friends and family who may fit the following criteria:
Occasional Celebratory Cigar – ISG has Preferred Best Nonsmoker rates available!
Example: Male age 50, no more than 12 cigars per year and specimen is negative.
$1,000,000 of 20 Year level term – $134.30 / month!
Occasional Smokeless tobacco use, such as when playing golf or hunting / fishing (no more than 24 times per year). ISG has up to Preferred Best Nonsmoker rates available!
Example: Male age 40, dips no more than 24 times per year and specimen is negative.
$500,000 of 30 Year level term – $54.86 / month!
Dips smokeless tobacco every day, and even has a “Skoal Ring” in this back pocket, and won’t even spit his dip out when the paramed nurse is doing his exam / lab work – ISG has Nonsmoker Plus rates available!
Example: Male age 30, daily smokeless tobacco user and nicotine is positive in his specimen.
$500,000 of 30 Year level term – $29.92 / month!